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From a Shy boy to a Confident Man | How to raise your confidence (or your children's)
When I look back to the boy that I was. I'm amazed at how far I've come. I was a boy that would not talk or even look at you in the eyes....
Two types of influencers. Which one are you? Dos Tipos de Influencers. ¿Cual Eres Tu?
I've worked in the field since it was just a hobby, then it became a job everybody wanted. What I used to do for your entertainment or to...
Skinny is just skinny but healthy is Fabulous | Ser delgado es ser delgado. ¡Pero estar saludable es
Thinking about the things that contribute to the development of my eating disorders, I feel that education on the topic would have helped...
Factors that can make someone develop an eating disorder (The beginning) ¿Como se puede desarrollar
If you've known the kid that I was, you wouldn't think that I'm a person that wakes up at 5 am every day and has the habit of working out...
That Cookie In The Jar
I don't know where to start. But I know the best way to start is by simply typing. Perhaps, I could've made a youtube video or Instagram...
Walmart Entering the World of Fashion
The battle for online world domination has begun and yes, as strange as it might sound, the great American Retailer wants to become the...
Social Media & The Future of Design
From architecture to fashion, all kinds of designers are more influenced today than ever by information from internet, specifically...
Enjoy Your Coffee Because It Might Make You Live Longer
Regular Coffee drinkers are likely to live longer. Two scientific studies published Monday claim. They also found that coffee has the...
Milan Fashion Week Men's 2018
I wanted to put together a visual summary of what we've seen in Milan Fashion Fashion week including my favorite runway looks...
VMA's Best Men Red Carpet Looks That Are Easy to Replicate
The Video Music Awards happened last night in the Madison Square Garden, New York City. And I can't resist talking about them, especially...
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