You Must Pack These for Your Next Trip

It doesn't matter the climate or time of the year, when I tell you that white shirts or even T-Shirts are the only travel essential for a man, I mean it! These are the reasons why you must always pack white tops:
White shirts will go well with any color. White is as neutral as you can get, so from jeans to passional red trousers, it will still look fantastic.
Worry less. Any combination works with white, so you can worry less about pairing the perfect outfit.
Look Sharp, effortlessly. You can't take away the elegance of a white shirt ever! Unlike other colors or prints, it looks as great accompanied or as an under layer.
Recycling. I know it happens to everyone that when they plan outfits for vacations, you end it up wearing the same outfit over and over. Just make sure the whites are clean and no one will notice that you wore the same.

Focus on what's important. Accessories are key! I took this beautiful Christian Paul Watch with me for my last trip to Mexico and I needed nothing else. Especially because the color of the screen (and grey leather strap) is very neutral.
Get The Look
Minimalistic Watch | Shop Christian Paul Watches
Red Leather Sneakers L.12.12 | Shop Lacoste
Brown Leather Sneakers | Shop Common Projects
White Dress Shirt from Brunello Cucinelli & White T-Shirt from ZARA
Lo Que Siempre Deberias Empacar Para Tu Siguiente Viaje
Tan facil como unos pares de Camisas y camisetas blancas. Asi es, no hay prenda tan facil de combinar y con tantos usos en el closet masculino. Aqui les presento por que:
Ahorren tiempo y energia. Siendo blanco, no hay ningun color or tipo de prenda que luzca mal con una camisa blanca. Asi que ahorras tiempo empacando y decidiento que ponerte.
Luce siempre bien vestido y sin esfuerzo. Asi es, en toda ocasion las camisas blancas son aceptadas y muchas veces te pueden hacer resaltar de los demas.
Reciclar. A todos nos pasa que planeamos ponernos diferentes pintas y llevamos un monton de cosas en la maleta pero terminamos poniendonos lo mismo. Bueno si esto te pasa, creeme que nadie se dara cuenta que traes puesto lo mismo, solo mantente limpio!
Pon atencion a lo que realmente vale la pena. Si es de gozo tu viaje, goza! Depronto puedes preocuparte mas de que tus accesorios sean los correctos, nada como un buen reloj. El mio para este viaje Christian Paul.