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VISIT THE EVERGLADES The largest subtropical wilderness in the U.S aka El Amazonas de Norte America

I'm going to tell you about my latest experience camping in the alligators' paradise. There are alligators in the whole world but I don't think there is a place with as many as in the Florida Everglades. you can get so close to them that it's exhilarating or even dangerous.

The highlight of my camping experience was the sky at night. I've never seen in my life as many stars and the sky seem to be so close to us. We even saw two shooting stars. It almost felt like we were at a planetarium (a handmade dome that was showing a simulation of what the sky would look like if all the stars were visible) breathtaking. I wish photos would make it justice.

How to access the Everglades National Park? It's about two hours away from Miami (The campsite) if you only want to experience the wilderness up close; hopefully, see one or two alligators, it's even closer. Type in your GPS 'Shark Valley' that's where I've taken my photos and it's only 45 minutes away from Miami.

About camping. There are various campsites but I've only visited the Flamingo Campground which is at the very end of the FL Everglades. Do not worry it's far from where alligators live and where you stay is more like dry land. This is important for me because I remember one time I was driving at night and there was a prescribed burn of the season which might've caused animals of the areas to run away. Well, the biggest alligator that I've seen in my life (I'm talking a small car size) was in the middle of the road. I almost couldn't believe it and it made me question if I shoudve stayed there. Then I realize what I tell you. Campsites are located stratically far from any animal (but birds and aggresive mosquitoes)

Things to have in mind:

When to go?

Wet season (you might see more flowers but It's too hot and the mosquitoes are wild!)

Dry season (my recommended from late November through April) I think you see more alligators because water is colder and they need to warm up and tan their sexy scalls)

Take repellent with you (make sure that it's safe for the environment)

Have lights/lanterns with you. I got these Koda Portable LED lights because it's extremely dark at night. But these are powerful. Best investment.


I'm going to tell you about my latest experience camping in the alligators' paradise. There are alligators in the whole world but I don't think as many as in the everglades and you can get so close to them it's exhilarating.

Les voy a contar sobre mi ultima experiencia acampando en el paraiso de los cocodrilos. Hay cocodrilos en todo el mundo pero no creo que haya otro lugar con más que los Everglades de Florida. Te puedes acercar tanto que es hasta peligroso.

Aunque lo que mas ame de este viaje fue el cielo en la noche. Nunca habia visto tantas estrellas en el cielo. Y estaban tan cerca. Se sentia que estabamos en una simulacion o en un planetario. Hasta vi dos estrellas fugaces algo que creo no haber visto en mi vida nunca. Me gustaria que las fotos le hiciera justicia...

¿Como llegar a los Florida Everglades? Es mas o menos a dos horas de camino de miami (el lugar de acampar) pero si solo quieres tomar fotos y ver cocodrilos, el punto que les recomiendo esta a menos de una hora (Se llama Shark Valley).

Sobre el acampamento. Hay varios lugares donde lo pueden hacer personalmente prefiero uno llamado Flamingo Campsite por que esta bien lejos de la parte humeda (donde estan los cocodrilos). Una vez estaba manejando a los everglades y habia un fuego forestal (son normales en cierta epoca y son provocados y controlados por las autoridades del parque) sin embargo, me encontre una gran sorpresa en mi camino. Un cocodrilo del tamano de un carro pequeno, nunca habia visto algo asi, ni en peliculas. Pienso que estaba escapando del fuego de muy adentro. Gracias a Dios estaba en el auto y el asi como siempre se alejo al ver la luces del carro. Estaba tan traumado que temia acampar alli. Hasta que vi que el campamento que les digo, no tiene zonas humedad cerca...

Cosas Imporantes que debes saber:

Utilizar repelente, los mosquitos de alli son super agresivos. Pican cocodrilos entonces te puedes inmaginar.

Ir en epocas frias para evitar tanto mosquito.

Llevar luces como lamparas o en mi caso estas Koda Portable LED lights que me salvaron la vida por que es extremadamente oscuro para acampar...


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