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30-Day Simple Diet

I don't like to promote diets or ways of eating. I stopped giving my opinion to loved ones about what it's right to eat unless they ask me. Since I have a big appetite, I usually eat a lot of everything. To feel better about it I go on google and research the nutrients and health benefits of what I ate. Doing this for so many years have made me very acknowledgeable about this subject.

Not vegan, not vegetarian anymore. Just clever eating. It's been 5 days since I started eating healthy again. I know it's not much but considering that I'm restricting many things that I love. It's not an easy job.

I also know that I'm going to look so much better after this sacrifice and I will be able to enjoy the things I love once again, with no guilt because I will have control over how much I consume of it. and I know you might be wondering what I'm talking about. Today I posted on my Instagram stories and a lot of you asked me what I was I doing. Well, it's as simple as this:


Why no coffee? Well as much as I love it, to me is an addiction. Not a bad one, but I know I was consuming way too much. This being a reset, I switched to green tea. Yes, you may have as much as you want. Unlike coffee, green tea has L-Theanine a component that calms you down and you still get the benefits of caffeine.

Why no sugar? Well, just know its more addicting than cocaine. You don't have to try cocaine to know this. Just try one day without sugar and you will see how crazy it can get. First two days were not easy, however, you can cheat a little with this. Have some fruit, it will give you that sugar buzz that you crave but with fiber that makes everything all right in your gut.

Why no refined carbs? Simple, refined cabs have been stripped of almost all fiber, vitamins, and minerals. For this reason, they can be considered "empty" calories. If you don't burn them right away, they will be stored in your body as fat.

Why no animal fat? Personally, I like to take it to another level. As I said before, I'm not vegan or vegetarian anymore. But I still know the benefits of eating a plant-based diet. Especially the fact that your metabolism/digestion works so effectively. I will try to get my protein from other sources in these 30 days. Yes, you may cheat. I eat eggs or fish sometimes. They have animal fat...

No dairy? Cheese, I will miss. But come on, we are not calves (baby cows). I don't want to drink any puss, my skin has been clearer than ever because I don't drink milk. Do the switch to other milk alternatives like almonds and tell me about it.

No high sodium foods? Sodium makes you retain water. Yes, who cares? I work out. Those used to be my reasons to have everything with a lot of sodium. Probably all I loved to it was high in sodium: Diet Coke or any sugary drink, sauces, salty and tasty food. I'm probably a hot sauce addict. I will see you hot delicious sauce after this 30 days and appreciate you even more than before.

After just 5 days of doing this, the results are so phenomenal, I'm sticking to this diet for the 25 days left. Try it, it works wonders.


Dieta Simple de 30 dias

No soy experto pero se del tema. Como tengo un apetito tan grande, cada vez que como algo me gusta leer los nutrientes y los beneficios de lo que consumi. Esto lo he hecho por tantos años que siento que se mucho de nutricion. Aqui les hablare de la dieta que estoy haciendo por 30 dias. No planeo seguir comiendo asi despues de la dieta por que me estoy restringiendo voluntariamente de muchas cosas que amo consumir.

Ya tengo 5 dias, creanme que no han sido faciles. Pero ver los el progreso, me hizo poner una historia en Instagram donde muchos de ustedes me preguntaron del tema. Es por eso que les contare por que las reglas de esta muy simple dieta.







Para que entiendas mas facilmente y por que personalmente es dificil no consumir estas cosas les dare ejemplos de cada una.

No cafe, bueno esto la palabra lo dice. No me inmagino una vida sin cafe. Lo estoy dejando por estos dias para bajar la cantidad que estaba consumiendo. Tambien por que el te verde siendo el alternativo, tendre muchos mas beneficios nutricionales cambiandolo. El te verde tiene un componente llamado L-teanina que ayuda entre otras cosas a la ansiedad, imperactividad y de mas. Aparte que tiene cafeina.

Azucares. Bueno esto no creo que lo tenga que explicar, la azucar es mas adictiva que la cocaina. Nos hace dependiente de la comida, especialmente la alta en ella. Puedes comer otras formas de azucar como las frutas. Estas tienen fibra y muchos mas nutrientes que el pastelito que se te nota en la espalda.

No grasa animal. Esta regla la puedes modificar. Personalmente, se los beneficios de una dieta basada en plantas. Si comere huevo o pescado de vez en cuando. Pero en estos 30 dias, nada de carnes por que quiero que mi digestion sea optima y sobretodo rapida.

No leche. Es para los bebes de la vaca, no tu. Tambien no quiero el puss dandome granitos en la cara o mis piernas. Te recomiendo alternativos como la leche de almendras. Acepto que el queso es algo dificil para mi de dejar, sin embargo, estos 30 dias de embellezamiento a lo mejor me hacen olvidar lo rico que es.

Comidas altas en sodio. Bueno, esto es probablemente el la segunda cosa mas dificil que me ha tocado dejar. Admito que me encanta la Cocacola zero, las salsas y mejor dicho todo lo que sabe rico y fuerte. Pues, me toco dejarlo por este tiempo por que el sodio hace retener liquidos y aparte se que le dare la oportunidad a mi paladar a ser normal. Mi consumo de picantes no podia ser muy saludable.

Espero que haya informacion util para ustedes. Deberian de hacerlo conmigo.

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