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PERFECT YOUR MORNING ROUTINE (from the most successful people in the world)
Getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep (Don’t want to age? SLEEP…even if you feel like you don’t need this much, for instance, I’ve always slept a...

How to get out of a funk (Take these steps to avoid depression)
When we are feeling good it's easy to forget how we used to feel. It's good because you don't feel that dark cloud called depression is...

VISIT THE EVERGLADES The largest subtropical wilderness in the U.S aka El Amazonas de Norte America
I'm going to tell you about my latest experience camping in the alligators' paradise. There are alligators in the whole world but I don't...

What's Fast Fashion? ¿Que es 'la moda rapida'?
Fast fashion is not all bad. The term is associated with brands that release up to 52 collections per year (not 2-4 which is the norm....

You need to know this about alcohol! Cositas buenas de saber sobre el Alcohol
Everyone enjoying the buzz of alcohol should be informed about some things that we like to ignore about this special substance that we...

How to get over a heartbreak - Breakup | Como superar a tu ex
The pain of heartbreak can leave you insecure with a void that you feel nothing can fill. For some people is harder than others,...

From a Shy boy to a Confident Man | How to raise your confidence (or your children's)
When I look back to the boy that I was. I'm amazed at how far I've come. I was a boy that would not talk or even look at you in the eyes....

I went to the nude beach for the first time. This is what I learned
'I've never been naked in front of anyone I'm not gonna have sex with' I told my friends that insisted me to go. That is the main reason...

Two types of influencers. Which one are you? Dos Tipos de Influencers. ¿Cual Eres Tu?
I've worked in the field since it was just a hobby, then it became a job everybody wanted. What I used to do for your entertainment or to...

Skinny is just skinny but healthy is Fabulous | Ser delgado es ser delgado. ¡Pero estar saludable es
Thinking about the things that contribute to the development of my eating disorders, I feel that education on the topic would have helped...

How to Know If You’re Buying Quality CBD Como Saber si es un Buen CBD
With CBD oil exploding in popularity in recent years, there are more CBD products on the market than ever before. That also means there...

You're Doing Amazing Sweetie!
It's incredible that we forget how easy it is to motivate someone. We as humans are always looking for validation. From our peers,...

Dress For The Occasion (What to wear for each occasion)
The other day I was having this conversation with someone about why I like to wear classic clothes (you may call it preppy) for family...

Factors that can make someone develop an eating disorder (The beginning) ¿Como se puede desarrollar
If you've known the kid that I was, you wouldn't think that I'm a person that wakes up at 5 am every day and has the habit of working out...
Dear friend,
These past months haven't been as hard as they could've been...because I have you. I make better decisions when I am thinking of you and...
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